Its easy with  Peazy to take care of your pets

Our pet’s health should be taken seriously. Peazy is your personal pet caring assistant, giving you peace of mind on your pet caring journey.

One App for your pet's life

With peazy, you can build your community of pet lovers, access your pet's data at your fingertips, share pets with carers, and so much more.

Sharing Moments

Post about your life with your pet, and connect with other pet lovers like you.

Pet Places

Discover pet friendly cafes, restaurants, veterinarians and more, with just a few clicks.

Pet Health

Health is wealth. Peazy will give you peace of mind by tracking your pets health.

Connects owners

Share your pet’s profile with family or friends, and take care of your furry friends as a team.

Download Peazy, pawsitively the best pet caring app.

If you are ready to change the way you take care of your pet, and allow us to help you on your journey, download the app now.

Keep track
of your pet’s health

Peazy will track and send you reminders of your pet’s future appointments and medications. Build your pet’s health history within the app, and share their health records with veterinarians or carers.

Discover the world of pet-friendly places near you

Peazy will track and send you reminders of your pet’s future appointments and medications. Build your pet’s health history within the app, and share their health records with veterinarians or carers.

Connect with your pet friends

Taking care of a pet is not easy, so if you have a question, post it to our Peazy community and get help quickly from other animal lovers. Also, we love seeing funny, cute, or scary moments with your pets, so don’t forget to share them with us!

Peazy is available for all devices

Let us help you on your pet caring journey, and give Peazy a try by joining our community below.
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